- Church in Patzcuaro, Mexico
- Near Lake Chapala, Mexico
- Janitizio Island, Lake Patscuaro, Mexico
- Coca Cola sign in Mexico
These are most likely images made with Provia 100 (though I can’t say with certainty). The wonderful image of the tree was produced with my Sputnik. The others were done with my TL120-1.
Coca Cola Sign was taken on a spring break trip 2008 to the state of Michoacan. This is the same trip where my film was not processed correctly and I lost over 2/3 of the images due to “muddy” processing. And a light leak from the 120 because I didn’t have the red window covered with the slidey thing 🙁
The Church in Patzcuaro was also taken on the same spring break trip. Patzcuaro is located west of Mexico City, closer to the state of Morelia. This image was processed by the same troublesome lab.
Back in June 2004, on the way to Mazamilta, Mexico we came across this gorgeous tree in front of a simple dwelling. Lake Chapala is about a 30 minute drive from Guadalajara.
The Island of Janitizio is near the town of Patzcuaro, located west of Mexico City, closer to the state of Morelia. On the island a statue of Jose M. Morelos has been erected. Entering the statue one can follow the spiral stairs up to the head and then up the narrow steps inside his raised arm. The inside is covered with murals depicting the life of Morelos. Morelos was the leader of the movement for Mexican independence from Spain in 1810 after Miguel Hidalgo was executed by the Spaniards. The first inhabitants of Michoacan, the state where Janitzio is located, thought that because of the extraordinary beauty of this lake, it was the door to heaven and that through it the gods used to come down to earth.