Tag Archives: Mt. Rainier
Reflection Lake Star Trails #2
I know what you’re thinking — the thing missing from this folio is some photos of Mt. Rainier.
For at least a couple years now Don Lopp has been bugging me to get down to Reflection Lake and capture this shot under a full moon. The idea is to take an exposure long enough to let the moon light the scene like day and still get star trails.
I shot some other film that night and processed it first. It came out much too dark and in the end I pushed this roll 2 stops. This was a 90 minute exposure. With the push it’s the equivalent of a 6 hour exposure (and star trails could have been 4x as long)! I am baffled by how true the colors look. I see no reciprocity failure.
Shot with 2 Hasselblad 500Cs on a twin bar. Provia 100F at f16.