Trail with Downtown Glendale

Running back on the trail crest is just as scenic as reaching the top. There are many people hiking and running, so it is rare to photograph this area on a peak day with no people. You can see a runner zipping by in the distance, causing retinal rivalry between the Land R images.

The fun with the Fuji GA645w is that I am willing to take it where I would not take a bigger camera. Hope you enjoyed these images.

Location – Griffith Park, January 1st 2011
Technical – Fuji GA645w (cha-cha no slide bar), Fuji Provia F100

Hollywood Sign and Reservoir

The Hollywood Sign is fenced off and well protected by surveillance; helicopters will come get you if you try to vandalize it. You can go up to the trail peak just behind the Hollywood sign which is across from the radio towers seen in the distance from the previous image. This hike affords one premium 360° views, perhaps the best of Los Angeles anywhere.

Location – Griffith Park, January 1st 2011
Technical – Fuji GA645w (cha-cha no slide bar), Fuji Provia F100

Griffith Park Observatory

Trail running with my lightweight Fuji afforded me the opportunity to shoot MF3D vantage points that are generally hard to get to. I took advantage of the cha-cha method by giving a slight hyper stereo base of 4-12 “ in most of my shots. A backpack and a tripod would have eliminated me from going with my running group of 50+ people that have been doing this New Year’s run for 21 consecutive years. Although they are not in my shots, these runners inspired me to get up at 6:30AM and run 10 miles on New Year’s Day…glad I did.

Location – Griffith Park, January 1st 2011
Technical – Fuji GA645w (cha-cha no slide bar), Fuji Provia F100

Hollywood Sign and Radio Tower

On New Years Day 2011 I ran from the Griffith Park parking lot at the horse stables to the Hollywood Sign. This is a scenic 10 mile round-trip over trails. To do this trail run with a MF camera I put it in my Nike bag vinyl sack which has shoulder cord strings. I velcroed the strings together across my chest to eliminate any bag bounce during the run. All shots were taken cha-cha without a tripod by simply framing a distant object in the cross hairs of the camera and moving the camera over a few inches, one foot at most. This method works well so long as there is no movement between shots. You will see an occasional runner/hiker in these shots if you look close.

Location – Griffith Park, January 1st 2011
Technical – Fuji GA645w (cha-cha no slide bar), Fuji Provia F100

First Submission

Ice Fog

Camera: 3D World TL120 Film: Fuji Velvia 100

f16 1/60

Taken at the confluence of the Fox River and Lake Winnebago.  It was 20 degrees and a fog had just lifted leaving the trees wonderfully coated with crystals.


Camera: 3D World TL120 Film: Fuji Velvia 100

f16 1/125

Neenah Marina, Beautiful Clear summer day

Mt Rainier and Stream

Camera: 3D World TL120 Film: Fuji Velvia 100

f16 1/125

8/4/2010  Wildlfowers, Paradise , Mt. Rainier.  I love this place and the contrast in scale and beauty between the wildlfowers and the magnificent volcano.

Mt Rainier and reflection lake

Camera: 3D World TL120 Film: Fuji Velvia 100

f16 1/60

8/3/2010 0645   the first moments of the day and a still reflection lake.

Presidio County Courthouse, Marfa, Texas

This is the original courthouse in Presidio County, Texas built in 1886. It was restored a few years back. Too bad I couldn’t have people in it as it would be more interesting, like a cop taking in a suspect. But this was early on a Sunday morning. I used the TL120. Settings are rarely remembered. Marfa is the town where the movie “Giant” was filmed. Also, it is well known for the Marfa lights, a nighttime phenomena that we didn’t get to witness.

John Long

Kyuquot Seaweed

Kyuquot Starfish


Kyuquot Fog

  • Kyuquot Seaweed

I took this with my trusty 3D World with Provia F probably at f11 or f16 which is my standard f stop.  I always use a tripod so exposure was 1/8 or so since it was early in the morning.  I have been shooting seaweed at low tide for about three years now and it always fascinates me the saturation, colour and abstract design.  Kyuquot is a very small village on the west coast of Vancouver Island in BC where I spend my summers.  There are no road and everyone only uses boats to get around as we live on 11 different islands.  There is a post office, general store, clinic, hotel, small restaurant, and boat through espresso bar… what more do you want?

  • Kyuquot Starfish

I also took this with my  3D World with Provia F probably at f11 or f16  at 1/15 or so.  I found this little starfish at low tide and found it arms reminded me of Andre Kertesz, Satiric Dancer.

  • Treehouse

I took this with my Rolleidoscop with Provia F not sure of the exposure.  This is a treehouse room in a unique hotel that is in the trees in Southern Oregon, kind of like Swiss Family Robinson.  The place is called Out’n’About Treehouse Treesort for those interested in an interesting adventure:)

  • Kyuquot Fog

3D World with Provia F probably at f8 or f11,  exposure was 1/2 as it was dark.  I love when the fog rolls in and it is best to stay put and photograp.

Dorothy Mladenka

  • Old City Cemetery – Columbia, Texas
    Taken with a TL120-1
  • My Old House!
    Canada, B&W Reversal, Taken with a Sputnik
  • Rocky Mountain National Park Bull Elk
    2009 with a Sputnik
  • Waterfall in Idahoe Springs
    Colorado, July 2009, Shot with a Sputnik

David Lee

  • Oak Tree
    Cameras – A pair of Bronica SQA’s, 150mm lenses
    Separation – 2 feet.
    Film – Fuji Provia 100F
    The image was made in Del Puerto Canyon between Patterson and San Jose, CA.
  • Trees in Water
    Camera – 3D World TL-120
    Film – Fuji Astia
    The image was made in the Joe Domecq Wilderness Area off Highway 132 near LaGrange, CA.
  • Porch Windows
    Camera – 3D World TL-120
    Film – Fuji Provia 100F
    The image was made in Bodie, CA, the largest ghost town in the United States. This is the Conway House.
  • Two Boys
    Camera – 3D World TL-120
    Film – Fuji Provia 400X
    The image was made at the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, CA.

Linda Nygren

All of these images were taken with my Sputnik which was tuned/rebuilt by Ted Baskin. All taken with tripod. The exposure is unrecorded but most likely using f/32 (or whatever is all the way past f/22 on my Spud) and 1/25 second on Provia 100.

  • Beach “Cottage”, Naples Florida
    The public beach at Naples Florida gives views of many such humble abodes. Note the Sea Grapes and Sea Oats in the foreground. A little dark, but I still like it.
  • Cypress Trees
    Near the Kirby Storter boardwalk in the Big Cypress Swamp area of south Florida
  • Shoreline at Solbakken Resort, Lutsen MN
    The Lake Superior shoreline is one of my favorite places, with special charm in winter. I try to visit every Jan or Feb, as well as once or twice yearly during other seasons.
  • Lake Superior Ice Breakup
    Unlike smaller MN lakes, the big lake does not freeze over completely in the winter. But during periods of calm more sheltered areas will freeze, then will break up periodically due to wave and wind action and the sheets of broken ice pile up along the shore. The sound when it is breaking up is also awesome (in the original sense).

Jim Harp

  • Seattle – August Sunset
    TL120 on tripod, Provia 400X ½ second at f/22
    Taken August 2009, this was a candid shot. I noticed this guy was very still and thought it would be interesting to contrast that with people moving in the background. I use a Hasselblad waist level finder, so it’s very easy to take pictures unobtrusively.
  • Terminator
    TL120 with half power Vivitar 285H flash, handheld, Provia 400X 1/60 @ f/22
    This is the skeleton of a T-800 Terminator Cyborg. Furtunately for me he was in standby mode when I encountered him at the Univeral Studios Hollywood gift shop in August 2008. I go the sense that he was romantically interested in my TL120.
  • Jim and Maureen in the Stocks, Williamsburg VA
    TL120 on tripod, Vivitar 285H flash, 1/4 @ f/22, DR5 processed Illford Pan F
    A can’t miss photo-op at Williamsburg, VA. My daughter Erica was kind enough to trip the shutter after I set the shot up. I rated the Pan-F at ISO 25 as per DR5s suggestion.
  • Wonder Wheel, Coney Island
    TL120 on a tripod Provia 400X 1/250 @ f/22
    I took this prior to the Mermaid Parade, June 2008

Frank Roberto

All photos – Sputnik, ISO 400

  • Concrete Factory – f/4.5, 1/15 second
    This is in Concrete, WA. The plant supplied concrete to many WAS cities. It has been in ruins since the late 1970s, I believe. I’m interested in silhouettes in 3D, and a fan of a shallow DOF.
  • Greenhouse – f/4.5
    I always keep an eye out for reflections when shooting 3D, though you don’t get much depth in the reflection itself here.
  • Fire Spinner – f/8?, Bulb for about a second
    After much trial and error, I got a few shots of fire spinners frozen by my flash, but with a longer exposure to get the fire trails.
  • Abandoned Dairy – f/4.5, 1/15 second
    On highway 20 outside Sedro Wolley, this is an abandoned dairy which was run by the nearby Northern State Hospital.